Saturday, June 28, 2008

Google Maps for cyclists

An interesting thought occurs to me as I prepare for a bike trip to a family member's cottage. I am printing off Google Maps directions that have estimated travel times between various points. These are often eerily close to the actual time it takes to get from point A to B to C.

I think it would be good if Google Maps or another mapping tool allowed for you to put in you estimated travel speed (say 17.5 km/h) and then output your directions based on how long you should expect to take between various points on the map.

If this exists already and I've just missed it, please let me know.


D Stewart said...

I can't say with any degree of certainty if such a site exists as your looking for but I have had two incidents with google map this summer that have caused me some grief. Now I realize it is a free service and as such perhaps one should take things with a grain of salt but...twice this summer I have used it to find my way to places only to be mislead. Both were from my home to an address and a place of business and both here in the Maritimes. One was in an area I was familiar enough with to know it was most definitely wrong but the other was a 300km drive away and while in the right town was so far enough off in the other direction that I'd never had found it without help. On the plus side they were right on for the first was that last 10 that was the killer. I know make an effort to get an old fashioned paper map and stop at the first info center I come to when traveling to an unfamiliar area. As I said really blame google, I am sure they do the best with what they have and their big picture was pretty darned good but I will make sure I have more sources from now on

D Stewart said...

Should have read "As I said I really don't blame google"..spell check works it seems but I guess you still gotta proof read...