Friday, September 05, 2008

New Home

I've moved into my new apartment. The move was a little stressful, but everything I own fit, so that's good news. I like my new apartment, it's pretty modern inside. The building, in the Heritage Preservation area, should give me instant cred, with the uptownsy folks ;)

Getting out of my old place taught me a lesson though. Make sure your landlord follows the rentalsman regulations. My former roommate and I realized too late that the landlord did not forward our damage deposit to the rentalsman and is now claiming we have to pay (from our deposit) to fix various damages that existed before we moved in.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Damage deposits are to fix damages only: talk to your rentalsman and forward any info you have: evidence of payment to your landlord, what the place looked like when you went in. They will give you forms to fill out: you have to be prompt with your responses. It is the rentalsmen who decide how the deposit will be dispersed, not the landlord.

I was in the same situation. It wasn't easy, but I did recover my funds.